The Medicine
Awaken Your Inner Shaman – Master the Soulful Spiral
Do you feel called to be a force of healing and positive change? We each have an inner shaman – an innate guide to walk a sacred path of purpose and spiritual service.
By awakening your shamanic gifts you gain profound wisdom for living, including:
- Discovering your soul’s heroic calling
- Accessing psychic resources for guidance
- Applying sacred power to bless and heal
- Navigating inner realms and gathering soul medicine
- Integrating wisdom from your spiritual DNA
- Expanding awareness beyond ordinary reality
- Developing your presence as an enlightened change agent
The Everyday Shamans program reveals how to master the Shamanic Spiral for whole-person empowerment and conscious evolution. This soulful process aligns you with the living intelligence of nature’s elements and astrological energies.
Through each spiral journey you will:
Fire > Ignite your spiritual gifts and soulful passions. Receive visions and callings. Gain clarity of focus and willingness to devote yourself to inspired aims.
Water > Embrace emotional depths, yearnings and intuition. Develop willingness to explore the unknown and gather soul wisdom.
Earth > Ground yourself in practicality and presence while establishing healthy priorities and boundaries. Master navigational skills and ceremonial ways.
Air > Harness mental gifts to develop wisdom and meaningfully relate with/serve others. Specialize your message.
By cycling through realms, you master shamanic arts for living soulfully, spreading blessings and making a monumental difference. Commit now to awakening YOUR inner shaman. The journey begins within.
Awaken the Shaman Within: The Everyday Shamans Path to Conscious Living
Do you feel the call to be a force of healing and transformation in the world? Within you lives an inner shaman - an archetypal guide to help you walk a sacred path of purpose and service.
The Everyday Shamans program awakens your innate gifts for shamanic living. This journey of self-discovery reveals:
- Your soul’s calling to be of service
- Inner resources for psychic navigation
- The power to heal through sacred intent
- Skills to psychonavigate inner realms
- Techniques for soul recovery and integration
- Insights to see beyond ordinary reality
You will learn to live the Shamanic Spiral, a holistic system that combines universal elements of human experience with the cyclic energies of nature and the cosmos. By consciously journeying through the spiral, you gain wisdom to discover your soul's purpose and passion.
The Shamanic Spiral illuminates your path of growth through four elemental realms:
Fire - Spirit & Intuition
Water - Emotional & Psychic Wisdom
Earth - Physical Resources & Process Skills
Air - Clear Communication & Interpersonal Relationships
Within each realm, there are three phases aligning with spiritual astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. These provide a framework to understand your strengths, wounds, potentials and optimal soul evolution.
By cycling through the elements and modalities, you develop mastery of all facets of your inner shaman. Your gifts are revealed for bringing healing and balance to yourself, others and the Earth.
Learn ancient wisdom carried in your spiritual DNA. Journey between worlds to gather soul medicine. Develop your inner vision to serve humanity and the Earth.
Heal yourself to become a source of healing. Grow your compassion, wisdom and energetic presence. Embrace your destiny as an agent of love and evolution.
The world needs your light. Discover how to be good medicine and spread blessings wherever life takes you. Join us to awaken your inner shaman. The journey begins within.